Mike Foote

Mike has been on board with Omnibar since what seems like the very beginning. As the events director of the local running shop in Missoula, Mike was testing our bars out while we were giving them to locals around town well before we hit market. We can only assume that it was around this time that Mike was setting the groundwork for becoming our number one consumer of bars. With that said, Mike was also the first to sign on as an "official" Omnibar athlete but it has never really felt like that. It feels more like family and we are very happy that from that first test bar years ago to now, Mike still lets us fuel his lifestyle. 

Get Connected with Mike

Instagram: @mikefooteMT
Twitter: @mikefooteMT
Facebook: facebook.com/mike-foote


Age: 31 (but I feel 22)

Hometown: Missoula, MT

Sport/Passion: Efficient mountain travel all seasons of the year.

One thing many people don't know about you: I'm left handed. love swing dancing and my first passion for sport was building muscle cars!

Favorite Book: The Brothers K, by David James Duncan

Words to live by: Perfection is in the process

2-3 major accomplishments in your sport or life:
Finding Montana.
Course record holder of the Bighorn 100
3rd place at The Hardrock 100, 2010
3rd place at UTMB, 2012

Why did you choose Omnibar:
The product fits my on the go go go lifestyle and I believe in the people of Omnibar. It feels like family.